Monday 29 October 2012

Poster + Files



(Place files in the folder into the levels folder of CryENGINE
The level file is called Test2.cry in the Test folder)

Monday 15 October 2012


_Model Progress

I need to texture my model and import it into CryENGINE
_The Steel Mesh in CryENGINE

Test image of an alpha channeled texture in CryENGINE.


Wednesday 10 October 2012

Modelling Progress

 _First Pavilion Structure

I am thinking of smoothing the outer edge of the structure.
The main structural elements of the pavilion will be made of metal painted white.
The triangular flaps will be a combination of metal ones and glass ones.

Distortions through perspective

_All the Pavilion Strucutres

This structure funnels the movement of people through the park which it sits on.
Each of the pavilion structures funnel to the path to travel to different points that surround the park.

The Train Station and the Offices to the left
To the Cafe at the top of the park
To the Offices to the right

The upper pavilion structure acts as an intersection, where light is shone through the glass panels, becoming a point where all the paths congregate and pass each other.

_Test Renders

The flowgraph I am planning to use is similar to the one I used for EXP 3 of ARCH1101

It involved using a Tag Point object as an axis of rotation. I think that I can adapt this flowgraph to use proximity triggers instead of button presses, as well as adapt it to open and close the various panels.

 I need to find a good way of lighting the underside of the pavilion. 

Sunday 7 October 2012


_The Paths of the Park

These are the paths that I have decided to create for my pavilion. The design of the pavilion will promote and guide movement along these paths.

The points of interest are:
_Train Station
_Cafe and Shops
_Offices and Apartments